Save The bees
How do we #savethebees?
It may not be how you think. We're not gonna say that "because we make honey you can use with anything, we're saving the bees." But we will say that it definitely helps. The bees don't have a pesticide problem, or even a "not enough forage" problem.
They have a human problem. We are the ones who spray pesticides, make legislation that disadvantages the honeybees and the ones who cut our grass so low that it leaves no flowers for our pollinators to feed from.
Our philosophy about actually saving the bees is simple: If we educate the people who will make our laws that can save the bees, and who decide whether or not to cut their grass or to spray pesticide, then we would have more effectively #savethebees.
Since 2014 that's what we have done.
We have spent countless hours educating school kids in Akron and Cleveland Ohio about the honeybee culture. They don't have to know everything. They just need to know how important honeybees are to us, so when they grow up they're prepared to #savethebees.